Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Breakfast Pillow

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Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Breakfast Pillow
By Brand: Tommy Hilfiger
List Prices: $85.00
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"Tommy Hilfiger 182432 Reviews"

"Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Breakfast Pillow" Detail

  • 15 By 20-inch
  • 100-Percent wool flannel
  • Off white wool flannel with th patch
  • Zippered closure
  • Polyester filler included

"Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Breakfast Pillow" Overview

Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Collection features a large scale tartan yarn-dye plaid, mixed in with buffalo check sheet sets. This bedding collection is a mix of modern and traditional. Best "Tommy Hilfiger Tartan Breakfast Pillow" On Sale.